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I Am Legend 2 (2013)

Movie Stars of  I Am Legend 2 (2013)  Will Smith… Robert Neville

I Am Legend 2 is a prequel to 2007′s post apocalyptic vampire film starring Will Smith. It has been bumped to a 2013 release. Or is the new I Am Legend a sequel? We have some of the details for the upcoming Will Smith apocalyptic sci-fi.

The prequel will reportedly follow Robert Neville (Smith) during the outbreak of the plague that turns most of the world’s population in the vampiric infected. However, this isn’t set in stone yet. Other reports have I Am Legend 2 taking place in the safe zone, with the community trying to find a cure for ‘The Infected’.
I hope its the latter, because I have little interest in a prequel at this point. That being said, the general consensus is it will be a prequel, but lets hope they make the new one a prequel. Francis Lawrence has stated his desire to return to direct the prequel, and he is apparently at work on the story. Right now he’s directing Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon in Water for Elephants, which sounds like the best film ever, what with my two favorite stars who don’t annoy me at all, but after that he should have I Am Legend 2′s story ready.


There is one, but I will not allow you to see it. Rather, I will describe it.
“In a world where vampires have taken over, movie studio execs realize that killing off the star of a big film is a mistake when you want a sequel. What answer will they come up with? A prequel.
Dun dun dun.
‘Ahhhh. ‘
People running around, but some of them are EVIL. Oh no, blood shoots from their mouths. They’re crawling up the walls! No human could ever do that! What evil has science brought into the world?”
Okay, so there isn’t a trailer.

I Am Legend 2 Release Date

I Am Legend 2 has been bumped to a 2013 release.

Who’s In It? Movie Stars

Will Smith… Robert Neville
Interesting Fact
Science is always screwing up the world. Which is why I never use technology. Not even when I write for a website. Think about it.
What’s Good About It?
The first half of I Am Legend was pretty good, and the alternate ending was way better than the theatrical release. The second has potential, and I like director Francis Lawrence. Constantine was good too, so I’m looking forward to I Am Legend 2.
What’s Bad About It?
I heard a rumor that Scientologists started editing the film, and that’s why the ending was changed. If Will Smith has really gone over to the Dark Side, then this may suck. What if Will Smith’s kid is in it?

Our Clever Prediction

Any action film Will Smith does makes money. There aren’t that many actors who I’d like to watch alone on screen for an hour, but he’s one. Hopefully the second film is scarier, and has a more cohesive story. Fingers crossed.

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